This book is in itself an act of cultural translation between Asian, Latin American and Caribbean women. It is, at the same time, a possibility to heal our own "colonial scars" that inhabit us, such as the sorority experiences of the authors as articulators of two worlds. It was written according to the image of the bridge, inspired by the concepts of Hey "Buen Vivir" (“good living”), with the desire to build the foundations of a feminine architecture that attempts to de-otrify the power relations between West and East based on "salvationist rhetoric" and stereotypical versions of the women who inhabit the Global South. It provides an understanding of the discussions on coloniality and gender through the narratives of native ethnic minority women writers and visual artists from both sides of the world. Their voices, expressed in poems, ethnic literature and performances, show the vitality of the experiences of gender/patriarchal coloniality that traverse them, experimenting with the search for other strands of feminist thinking in the "third space" that emerges between the East and the West.
2020 | 164 pages
Print ISBN: 978-987-722-605-8