She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux, France. Master in Asian and African Studies, specializing in Africa, from the Center for Asian and African Studies (CEAA) of El Colegio de México. She holds a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has a Diploma in Public Policies for Rural Development from the FCPyS and the Chamber of Deputies. She has collaborated with public and private universities teaching courses, directing theses, giving conferences and organizing academic events in the area of International Relations, History of Africa and Asia, as well as in French language and cultures. She is a collaborator of the civil association, Citizenship in Movement on the Road to Gender Equality (CIMIGE). Currently, she collaborates as an advisor to the Fisheries Commission of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies.