Internationalist from Universidad del Valle de México; Master and PhD in Asian and African Studies, area: South Asia, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África (CEAA), El Colegio de México. He was a full-time visiting professor-researcher at the Department of International Relations and Political Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, where he was also the coordinator of the Editorial Committee of the Confines Journal of International Relations and Political Science. He has also been a professor at UAM-Cuajimalpa and Iztapalapa, ITAM, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México, as well as at Universidad Panamericana. He has conducted several research stays: at Jawaharlal Nehru University (2006-2007); at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland (2007); at UAM-Cuajimalpa (2016, 2017). Among his most recent publications is the book: "Las relaciones India-China: el (re)encuentro de dos sistemas en la Posguerra Fría", edited by CEAA-El Colegio de México. Current lines of research: Commissions and Research Committees on colonial and post-colonial India; India-China relations; regionalism; foreign policy and the nuclear program of India and China; intellectual, political and social history of contemporary India and China.