Islam and migration in Senegal: the transnational mouride space

This book is a reflective and critical history about the shaping of the Mouride confraternity, a Sufi Islamic grouping originally from Senegambia that has extended its links across borders thanks to the contemporary migratory phenomenon. The author traces the ideological and organizational foundations of the Mouride to the expansion of their practices and beliefs in the era of globalization, delving into the nature of the relationship between religion, secular politics and migration, elements that in synthesis explain the configuration of the confraternity. The originality of the approach of this study lies in its methodology: the objective is to analyze the process of consolidation of the Mouride community at an international level from the temporality and conception of the confraternity itself, contrasting sources of the latter with Western sources and making a reading that questions the vision of Eurocentric historiography.

2021 | 192 pages

General public price: $170 MXN

UNAM Price: $85 MXN

Print ISBN: 978-607-30-4333-5

Electronic ISBN: 978-607-30-4933-7

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