Verónica Montes de Oca holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences, with a specialty in Population (COLMEX, 2001). She worked as the head researcher at the UNAM’s Institute for Social Research (1996-2017), and as a national researcher for the National System of Researchers, level III (2018-2022). Besides, she was designated by the UNAM’s rector as coordinator of the Interdisciplinary University Seminar on Aging and Old Age (2012), where she develops academic and cultural activities with more than 30 university dependencies. She was also elected as President of the Latin American Population Association (2017-2018).

She has published a hundred articles on a national and international level on the demographic aging process in Latin America and the Caribbean region, gerontological studies, social support networks, gender and aging, social protection systems. Moreover, she has coordinated several publications, including:

  • Population and Aging. Past, present, and future in sociodemographic research (Co-coordinator with Isalia Nava). (Mexico, UNAM, IIS, IIEC, SUIEV, 2017).
  • Aging, health, and society. (Mexico, IIS-UNAM, 2014).