Full Time Researcher B, definitive of the Hermeneutics Seminar at the Institute for Philological Research (IIFL) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), she is PRIDE D, SNI II and tutor of the Postgraduate in Philosophy of the School of Philosophy and Literature (FFyL) of the UNAM. Guest professor in Argentina, Brazil, Spain and France. She holds a PhD in Philosophy (FFyL - UNAM); Master’s degree in Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Bachelor of Philosophy, National University of Rosario, Argentina. Coordinator of the PAPIIT IN 402317 Project "Heteronomies of justice: nomadism and hospitality in language", member of the Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie, University of Paris 8.

Among her recent publications are: The Bible and the drone. On uses and abuses of biblical figures, IEPALA, Madrid, 2013; Heteronomies of reading (ed. Electronic book), Destiempos, México DF, 2013; Return of the Discourse of the 'Indian' (for Mahmud Darwish) (ed.), UNAM IIFL and CH / FAHHO / Apophis; and Heteronomies of justice: of exiles and utopias (coed Rafael Mondragón), UNAM-IIFL / Bonilla Editores.