Co-founding member of the Mexican Circle of Korean Studies. Master in Social Anthropology at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS-Mexico City) and holds a degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM. His main research topics are migratory experiences in urban contexts, immigration, configuration of global cities, experiences of foreigners in Mexico City. He has specialized in the study of the Korean community in Mexico City, with several publications: Korean immigration in Mexico City: shaping an immigrant neighborhood? (2013), Koreans in Mexico: A study of integration of the Korean community in the pink zone of Mexico City (2015), Korean immigration in Mexico, 1960-2015 (2017) and Forms of work within South Korean businesses in Mexico City (2018). He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in Anthropology, under the line of specialization "Violence, Gender, Sexualities and Migrations", where he is conducting research on South Korean investments in Mexican mining from a gender perspective.