He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law and a Doctorate in Political Philosophy. Director of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the UNAM and full-time "B" researcher of the Institute. Member of the National System of Researchers (Level III). Member of the Mexican National Group of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Hague. He is a member of the Faculty of Doctors of the Faculty of Law of the UNAM and is a professor of constitutional guarantees and political theory at the Faculty. Among his books are: “Human Rights and Constraints. The Dilemmas of Justice” (co-authored with Luis Daniel Vázquez and Alejandra Medina Mora. Porrúa, 2015. ); “Law and Power. Rights and Guarantees” (Fontamara, 2013); “Critique of the Heavy Hand. How to confront violence and preserve our freedoms” (Océano 2012); “The Constitutional Democracy. A theoretical radiography” (FCE-UNAM 2006); “The mechanics of Political Change” (co-authored with Ricardo Becerra and José Woldenberg. Cal y Arena, 2000).