Lukasz Czarnecki holds a Ph.D. with an honorable mention in Political and Social Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2012), and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Strasbourg (2015). His education was enriched by studying in Hanoi, Vietnam, and New York at the New School for Social Research. His lines of research include inequalities, social welfare, social development theory, public policies of social inclusion and aging, within the concepts of Rule of Law, constitutionalism, and democracy. He is the author of several articles and books, which highlight the theme of intergenerational public policies, such as the book Evaluation of public policies for young students and older adults in Mexico City (UNAM-IIEC, 2017).

His training was combined with professional experience as Tutor of the Training Course, and in the Specialty in Management of Social Development Policy in the PROSPERA Social Inclusion Program, (SEDESOL, 2014-2015). Nowadays, he is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 1.