Fernando Hernández owns a bachelor’s degree in History, from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, campus Iztapalapa (UAM-I); a master’s in Asian and African Studies, with specialization in Southeast Asia, by the College of Mexico (COLMEX), and a Ph.D. candidate in Asian and African Studies, with specialization in Southeast Asia (COLMEX).

He has more than fourteen years of teaching experience, having collaborated in institutions such as UNAM, UAM, Anahuac University, UDLA, UVM, and CESNAV with several awards for excellent teaching. He also performed as a speaker, panelist, and coordinator in various academic events, as well as a translator and developer of academic programs.

Currently, he is a professor of International Relations and History specialized in Contemporary World History and topics related to the countries of East and Southeast Asia, at the UNAM’s FES-Aragón and the Anahuac University.