Holding a Ph.D. in Contemporary History from the University of the Basque Country (Spain), Carmen Yuste is a full-time Senior Researcher at the UNAM’s Institute for Historical Research. She is a researcher level “D” in PRIDE, and level II in the National Researches System. Besides, she is a professor of the subject New Spain XVIII Century, taught at the UNAM’s History major, and tutor of the Postgraduate courses in History and Law (UNAM). She is the author of:

  • Transpacific emporiums. Mexican merchants in Manila, 1710-1815 (Mexico, UNAM / IIH, 2007).
  • ‘The administrative visit of Francisco Henríquez de Villacorta to the House of the Holy Mercy, 1751-1758’, chapter contained in the book 500 years of the discovery of the Pacific. (Mexico, UNAM / IIH, 2016).
  • The presence of New Spain in the South Sea. (Mexico, UNAM / IIH, 2016).
  • ‘The relationship between New Mexico storekeepers and Filipino merchants during the eighteenth century’, chapter contained in the book Philippines 19th century. (Madrid, Polifemo Editions, 2007).
  • Coexistence and interaction between communities in the Spanish empire. (Madrid, Polifemo Editions, 2017).