Biologist graduated from the UNAM School of Sciences. Participation as a speaker in various national and international Congresses on Astrobiology, Origin of Life and Linguistics. Fellow of Hanban-Confucius Institute of UNAM for two and a half years at the University of Language and Culture of Beijing. Training and teacher of Japanese in the Mexican-Japanese Association. -Teacher of Arabic language at The College of Mexico during 2009-2021. Currently Professor of Chinese at the Center for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CELE) and at the Confucius Institute of UNAM. Publications: Barandica Luis A., & Padilla Jesús O. 2015. 坤 舆 万 国 全 图 Kunyu Wanguo Quantu. "Panoramic and complete map of the ten thousand countries". c.1604. Study and translation I. RESAP México. Asia-Pacific Higher Education Network. Word of Clío. Mexico. Other participations: Valdez Jesús, Nagao Kazuko, Acosta Jenny, Sun Xintang and Padilla Jesús O. 2014. Video 我 的 未来 不是 梦, or "how to use the Chinese-Spanish dictionary: search for radicals". UNAM, CELE, TV UNAM.