​Miriam Ocadiz

She is a Mexican passionate about South-South dialogues and movements as a form of decolonization, where Africa is the starting point. Although she began her academic career in Hispanic Letters at UNAM, thanks to a scholarship she completed a degree in International Studies at the University of Leiden. There he specialized in Saharan African culture and politics, graduating with a thesis on primary education in Equatorial Guinea. This was followed by a research master's degree at the Leiden Center for African Studies, dedicated to the embodiment of solidarity in Cuban medical cooperation in Mozambique. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam within the Engaged Scholarship Narratives of Change project, where she focuses on the social engagement of academia to improve the social integration of refugees in South Africa. Her research interests are: indigenous insurgent wisdoms, feminist movements in the global south, and the use of artistic methodologies to decolonize academia.