She is a lawyer and holds a master's degree in Philosophy of Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her lines of work are gender criticism and analysis of political-legal discourse. She is a member of the interdisciplinary research seminar "Alterity and Exclusions" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the same university. She coordinates the working group on reproductive rights in the University Bioethics Program. She participated in the collective book " Alterity and Exclusions. Vocabulary for Social and Political Debate" edited by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. She is also co-author of the titles "Feminicidio: Actas de denuncia y controversia" and "Estrategias de resistencia" published by the University Program of Gender Studies. And of the book "Arte, Justicia y Género" published by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and Fontamara publishing house. She has a chapter in the following publications: "Por una cultura de paz: Cómo suprimir la violencia de género contra las mujeres" by Flores Editores. "Por la descriminalización de las mujeres en México" published by Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. "Una cultura de igualdad sustantiva" published by La Federación Mexicana de Universitarias and the Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos. She is the compiler of the volume "La despenalización del aborto en la Ciudad de México: Argumentos para la reflexión" published by UNAM. She is part of the research project "Mental Health and Abortion" at the National Institute of Psychiatry. She is a member of the Mexican Association of Rhetoric.