Is a graduate in International Relations from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at UNAM. She completed her Masters and PhD at the Center for Asian and African Studies at El Colegio de México in Asian and African Studies, specializing in Middle East and North Africa, and is currently a Full-Time Associate Professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City campus. She is also part of the OPEMAM team (Political and Electoral Observatory of the Arab and Muslim World) of the International Mediterranean Studies Workshop and was part of the election observer mission in Morocco, October 07, 2016. She currently coordinates the Middle East and North Africa Week (formerly known as Arab Week) in Mexico in conjunction with Dr. Camila Pastor from CIDE, among other institutions. Among his latest publications are: "Interview with Rania Benzina. The dichotomy of the political and social emancipatory process of Tunisian women" Pages / year 13 - n° 32 May-August, 2021; "Los movimientos sociales en Marruecos frente al epistemicidio" for Cuadernos de Estudios Regionales, FCPyS, UNAM, 2021; "Reconfiguración geoestratégica y crisis sanitaria en Medio Oriente" in América Latina en Movimiento, N° 549, in Las Tramas que esconde la pandemia, "Mexico and Morocco: migration, coloniality of knowledge and power: dialogue from the South" in Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior, No. 116, May-August 2019, pp. 37-56 and "Encuentros entre México y Marruecos" in Revista de Comercio Exterior Bancomext, Nueva Época, Número 17, 2019. Among her lines of research are: social movements and women's resistance in the Maghreb as well as the Western Sahara conflict.