She holds a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM, a Master's degree in Asian and African Studies with a specialization in the Middle East from El Colegio de México and is a PhD student in Political and Social Sciences with a specialization in International Relations (UNAM). She has studied Arabic language at the Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELE) of UNAM, at COLMEX and at the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies and Oriental Studies of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she did a research stay. Professor in the Bachelor's Degree in International Relations, FCPyS - UNAM. Recent publications: "Ecofeminism in Rojava: towards the construction of an alternative model of economic development in the Syrian territory of Kurdistan", Revista Ecología Política - Cuadernos de debate internacional, No. 54 Ecofeminismos y ecologías políticas feministas, December 2017, Icaria Editorial, Barcelona. "Female activism in Palestine: from the popular to the institutional," in Moisés Garduño (Coord.), Pensar Palestina desde el sur global, Mexico, UNAM-FCPyS, 2017.