She holds a Ph.D. in Population Studies from El Colegio de México. She has a Master's degree in Population and Development from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Mexico and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (El Salvador). She is a full-time professor at the Center for Theoretical and Multidisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences of the FCPyS -UNAM. She has taught Statistics and Economics in the Sociology program. She is a candidate to the National System of Researchers. She has taught Statistics at El Colegio de México. In her research experience she has linked the use of quantitative methods with social phenomena, specifically in terms of the welfare of the population related to labor markets, climate change and income distribution. Recently she has participated as a post-doctoral researcher in the project "Poverty and climate change in Mexico" directed by Landy Sanchez, at the Center for Demographic and Urban Studies of El Colegio de Mexico. Some of her publications are: Hogares y consumo de energía eléctrica en México, Comercio exterior y microempresas en Centroamérica. Una visión desde las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores and Trabajo global y desigualdades en el mercado laboral, among others.