Adolfo Laborde

Ph.D. in International Relations from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and has Ph.D. studies in International Cooperation from the Kobe, University, Japan. He also has a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Arizona, in the Mexican-American Studies Department, in Tucson Arizona. His research interests are Asia Pacific, Business - International Relations. He has published 18 books on international issues, as well as several articles in specialized magazines and newspapers of national and international circulation about his specialty. Adolfo Laborde worked as information director at Japanese Embassy in Mexico (1996-2000). Also joined Sojitz Corporation where developed international busines and several infrastucture projects (2006-2010). He was a Research Professor at Tec de Monterrey (2010-2017) and had the same position at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Anahuac University, Mexico (2017-2021) and was a Professor at National University (UNAM, 2006-2021). Since Feburary 2021, he was appointed as Minister of Mexico in Japan, Ministry of Economic, Mexico.