Semana del 1 de junio al 8 de junio, 2018

Actividades PUEAA


Trump-Kim summit: The US negotiating team heading to Singapore - BBC NEWS 08/06/18 The White House has remained tight-lipped about who will be negotiating with the North Korean team in Singapore, but we have a pretty good idea.

Más de 30 muertos en un doble atentado suicida en el centro de Bagdad - EL PAÍS 07/06/18 Al menos 36 personas han muerto y 91 han resultado heridas en un doble atentado registrado este lunes en Bagdad, perpetrado contra un grupo de trabajadores, informó una fuente de la Policía iraquí. Es el segundo ataque terrorista en tres días.

Turkey suspends ‘migrant readmission’ deal with Greece - DAILY NEWS 07/06/18 It was in response to a decision by a Greek court to release eight former Turkish soldiers who fled the country a day after the July 2016 coup attempt, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on June 6.

Jordania retirará la polémica reforma fiscal que desencadenó las protestas - EL MUNDO 07/06/18 Miles de jordanos protestan contra la reforma tributaria por tercera noche consecutiva. El rey Abdalá de Jordania sacrifica a su primer ministro para contener la indignación popular.

India’s plan for sex-offender registry sparks concern - ASIA TIMES 07/06/18 Experts have raised questions about the legality of making such a registry public, whether it would violate people's rights and is counter-productive.

El Gobierno de Afganistán anuncia un alto al fuego temporal con los talibanes - LA VANGUARDIA 07/06/18 El presidente de Afganistán, Ashraf Gani, anunció hoy un alto al fuego temporal ofertado a los talibanes, después de que el lunes unos 2.000 líderes religiosos afganos pidieran al grupo insurgente que abandone la guerra "ilegítima" y acepte la oferta de paz del Gobierno.

Evidence shows coalition attacks on Syria’s Raqqa broke law — Amnesty - THE JORDAN TIMES 05/06/18 There is evidence that attacks by the US-led coalition against the Daesh militant group in the Syrian city of Raqqa last year broke international law by endangering the lives of civilians, human rights group Amnesty International said on Tuesday.

Seis razones para entender el conflicto que desató la suspensión del amistoso Argentina-Israel - LA NACIÓN 05/06/18 Argentina decidió no jugar el amistoso que tenía previsto jugar frente a la selección de Israel, el próximo sábado, antes del Mundial de Rusia. El clima anti Argentina, especialmente contra Lionel Messi, su capitán, provocó la atención del grupo y activó la alarma.


Dimite un ministro en Marruecos tras manifestarse contra el boicot ciudadano a tres grandes empresas - EL PAÍS 07/06/18 Lahcen Daudi, responsable de Asuntos Generales, se sumó a una sentada de los trabajadores de Centrale Danone frente al Parlamento

Sudan ends all defence ties with North Korea - AFRICA NEWS 07/06/18 Sudan said on Wednesday it had cut all defence ties with North Korea, in a rare admission that it used to have such ties in the first place.

Al Sisi nombra al exministro de Vivienda Mostafá Madbuli como nuevo primer ministro de Egipto - EUROPA PRESS 07/06/18 El presidente de Egipto, Abdelfatá al Sisi, ha nombrado este jueves al exministro de Vivienda Mostafá Madbuli como nuevo primer ministro del país, dos días después de la dimisión en bloque del Gobierno.

La federación de fútbol de Ghana será disuelta tras el escándalo de corrupción - MUNDO DEPORTIVO 07/06/18 Un documental reveló como dirigentes y árbitros recibían sobornos para influir en la selección de jugadores o para manipular resultados

Al menos 46 inmigrantes etíopes mueren ahogados ante costas de Yemen - DW 06/06/18 Pocos días después de una grave catástrofe con un bote de refugiados ante Túnez, se produjo un hecho similar frente a las costas de Yemen, que causó al menos 46 muertos, según indicó la OIM.

Kenya ranked high for renewable energy - DAILY NATION 06/06/18 About 9 million households in Kenya have access to off-grid renewable energy. Renewable energy accounts for over 70 per cent of Kenya’s installed capacity compared to the world average of 24 per cent, according to the Ministry of Energy.

Zimbabwean opposition supporters march for free elections - IOL 05/06/18 Harare - Hundreds of Zimbabwean opposition supporters marched through the streets of Harare on Tuesday demanding electoral reforms and free and fair polls next month.

Ethiopia to ‘Fully Accept’ Eritrea Peace Deal From 2000 - THE NEW YORK TIMES 05/06/18 Ethiopia announced Tuesday that it would accept a 2000 peace agreement with Eritrea over their disputed border, potentially a major step toward resolving one of post-colonial Africa’s bloodiest and most protracted conflicts.

Artículos de Interés

A Win-Win-Win Situation in Northern Syria - GEOPOLITICAL FUTURES A rare agreement has reportedly been reached by the United States and Turkey, with the Syrian Kurds stuck in the middle.

Marching Toward a U.S.-North Korea Summit: The Historical Case for Optimism, Pessimism, and Caution - TEXAS NATIONAL SECURITY REVIEW The history of denuclearization efforts on the Korean peninsula give reason for pessimism, caution, and optimism. Attempting to critically engage that history can help the United States narrow uncertainty, prepare for a long diplomatic process should one transpire, and perhaps learn some tactical lessons.

Maghreb: Dream of Unity, Reality of Divisions - CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE It has long been an axiom among the rulers of each Maghrebi country to brandish their rhetorical commitment to regional integration while often-shamelessly suffocating the principles and prospects of unity.

Carnage: An analysis of Thailand's road safety - BANGKOK POST Lack of political will stands at heart of a problem which exacts a huge toll every year